TeamFilippo Bindi2024-04-09T12:18:11+02:00 "Innovation happens when people are not afraid to do something different".George Cantor, 1845- 1918, mathematician, father of the system theory. "Innovation happens when people are not afraid to do something different".George Cantor, 1845- 1918, mathematician, father of the system theory. TIZIANA CIAMPOLINI Strategies and methodologies for inclusive innovation President ANTONIO FANTASIA International partnerships Executive Director MARIA RITA FIASCO Learning & human tech Advisor ALDO VERGNANO Administration and finance TIZIANA CIAMPOLINI Strategies and methodologies for inclusive innovation President ANTONIO FANTASIA International partnerships Executive Director MARIA RITA FIASCO Learning & human tech Advisor ALDO VERGNANO Administration and finance S-nodi keep going thanks to passionate and prepared professionals: LAURA BOSUSCO HR and Administration specialist FILIPPO BINDI Sistemic Designer KRISTIAN CAIAZZA Local development manager and researcher MICHELE CALLERI Digital Events Manager and e-learning platform management SILVIA CITTADINI Project designer and researcher ELISA GALLO Coordination of communication VITTORIA LOMBARDI Welfare community and cultural manager EMILIA LUISOLO Cultural community-based initiative promoter MICHELA MINIGHER E-Learning designer and trainer ANAS MGHAR Junior project officer RAFFAELLA RICCIARDI Social Media Manager FEDERICA RIVA Learning designer and trainer MARTA SERVILI International project manager S-nodi keep going thanks to passionate and prepared professionals: LAURA BOSUSCO HR and Administration specialist FILIPPO BINDI Sistemic Designer KRISTIAN CAIAZZA Local Development Specialist and Researcher MICHELE CALLERI Digital Events Manager and e-learning platform management SILVIA CITTADINI Project designer and researcher ELISA GALLO Coordination of communication VITTORIA LOMBARDI Welfare community and cultural manager EMILIA LUISOLO Cultural community-based initiative promoter MICHELA MINIGHER E- learning Designer and trainer ANAS MGHAR Junior project officer RAFFAELLA RICCIARDI Social Media Manager FEDERICA RIVA Learning designer and trainer MARTA SERVILI International project manager Learn more about who we cooperate with PARTNERS Innovation at the service of territories and people Contact us